I was away at school in the fall of 1958. When I came home during the holidays, my friend John and I went down to the C&S yards to see what was going on. We got up really early and when we got to the roundhouse, it was still dark outside. Inside, we were surprised to find five steam locomotives that we had never seen before steamed up and ready for a day's work making runs and performing switching chores. The C&S had lost a number of diesel locomotives (and lives) in some terrible head-on collisions that had occurred because of the single track lines that the company operated uncontrolled by signals. It turned out that these five unfamiliar steam locomotives had been borrowed by the C&S from their parent company, the CB&Q. Their numbers were 4947 4952, 4954, 4978, and 4994. These photos were taken in Denver during November and December of 1958.