My dad was the general attorney and my granddad the president of the Denver Tramway Corporation for decades. As a child, I liked to hang out at the various streetcar facilities while Dad and Grandad conducted business. Grandad got rid of the streetcars in June, 1950, replacing them with buses. I took the first two photos on the left in the Alameda Materials Yard in Denver where during 1953, cleanup operations were still underway. The other photos on the left show abandoned streetcar bodies that I discovered near Eldorado Springs, Colorado. The "764" on the right was the ex-line Denver & Intermountain line car that I found in 1957 in a scrap yard, and the bottom photo I took during the same year showing the Tramway's abandoned "North Division" car barn on Zuni Street near West 32nd Avenue. The Denver & Intermountain Railway was a standard-gauge electric line that ran from Denver to Golden and was owned by the Tramway. My dad was a member of the railroad's board of directors.