Left: 1 - Grandfather and Grandmother Schlenzig (Mom's mom and dad) and Leslie and me. 2 & 3 - Grandmother Schlenzig 5- Grandfather Schlenzig & Grandfather Robertson 5 - Grandmother Schlenzig and Grandmother Robertson 6 - Cousin Stevie Owen and me
Right: 1 -
Uncle Bob Robertson: Dad's only sibling. 2 - Grandmother Robertson 3 -
Grandmother Robertson's sister Clara Sperry, AKA "Aunt Boo" 4 - Grandmother Robertson with son Bob's kids: Kathy and Sally Ann. 5 - Uncle Mike Owen and wife Aunt Dorothy (ne: Schlenzig Mom's sister) and Dad 6 - Top row is Mom, Grandmother Schlenzig, Uncle Ernie (Mom's brother) with wife Evie and on bottom row are
sister Leslie, Bill and Ann (Ernie's kids) and me. Taken inback yard at 45 Dahlia with Calvert's house in background.