The Thomaskirche in Leipzig was where Johann Sebastian Bach was choir director for the last 27 years of his life. Leipzig is a special city for me. My great-grandfather, Emil Schlenzig, was born here. He ran away from home to learn the confectionary art in France and then after settling in Denver, my home town, he started a confectionary business. Leipzig was a huge music center until we almost destroyed it during the 2nd World War. Europe's great publishing houses were here. Wagner was born here, and Schumann and Mendelssohn lived here for periods of time. Bach died here and is buried in the Thomaskirche. Across from the church are the the Bach Museum, and a second-hand music store. People like myself travel from around the world, many from the orient, to hear the music of J.S. Bach performed in the Thomaskirke. It is really a pilgrimage.