"Pourquoi la vie est-elle comme ça?"
"State of the US Music Industry - the 2010 Summer NAMM Show in Nashville"
"America's Endangered Wetlands" - Avery Island, Louisiana before the oil was unleashed
"Sortie for a Sunday Mass" - Improvised by Thierry Escaich
"Grammy Member's Nashville Block Party April 12, 2009"
"The 2010 Nashville Flood"
"Groupe Cenizas in the Chatelet Metro Station, Paris 2009"
"Nawpak in Paris 2009"
"A Zurich Trolley Ride in 1999"
Nashville Music History - Doak Turner's Famous 3rd Sunday Party featuring the Mauldin Brothers
"The Mauldin Brothers' Garden"
"The Mauldin Brothers - Saving the Bees"
"Sloco - The End of an Era is at Hand"