Hello Fans and Friends,
I have created this web site to provide a home for my music. This is a temporary single-page version that I am providing while I create a full-featured website replacement. With so much going on in my life, it will probably take me a while to finish it, but please stay tuned....
Where you will find Don Robertson, composer from Colorado: * Now is the time for MUSIC!... |
In the list below you will find both music scores and recordings of my music. The recordings are available from various websites and can be easily downloaded. For iTunes users, my music is available in all of these countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA and the UK.
The Websites
My Music...
JubilationMass.com This website is dedicated to my "Jubilation Mass for Choir and Orchestra," and represents my classical side.
TakeMyHandSong.com This website is dedicated to my album "Songs of Love and Joy" and the single/video "Take My Hand" that represents my pop side.
My Video Channel Please subscribe. I will be posting updates.
My Mission...
DoveSong.com DoveSong.com was the product of my musical outreach from 1997 to 2005, the year that I incorporated my book "Music Through the Centuries" into the website. All of my writings concerning the nature and use of music are on this site and available for research. Archived versions of DoveSong.com are available here: Archive
MusicalKaleidoscope.com - My Musical Kaleidoscope project (2010) is the multimedia extension of the Dovesong.com website. As the technology grows, it allows me to expand my vision.
Musical Kaleidoscope You Tube Channel - Playlists and videos of great music. Vloging as I tour the major music centers in Europe. You may subscribe here also.
The Pop-Classical Recordings
All my life I have loved both classical and popular music genres. Pop-classical music is that crossover point where the two genres can come together.
Resurrection (1980)
Scheduled for re-releaseSpring (1983)
Scheduled for re-releaseCastles in the Sun(1987)
Amazon.comFavorites (1998)
Keys (1999)
CD on Amazon.com Download from Amazon.com Video of the song "Dew"
Castles in the Sun (2006)
The original album re-released in a new format Amazon.com
Songs of Love and Joy (2008)
This album has its own website: www.TakeMyHandSong.com
Download from the iTunes store
Download from Amazon.com
The New Age Recordings
I became the first New Age recording artist in 1969 when I released "Dawn" on Mercury Records. My ideas of a new age music had come from the writtings of Corinne Heline.
Dawn (1969)
This is an excellent re-release by the Italian label Akarma: Amazon.comCelestial Ascent (1979)
Scheduled for re-releaseDigitial Symphony No. 3 - Celestial Voyager (1984-2008)
Amazon.comDigitial Symphony No. 8 - Aum (2003-2008)
Amazon.comAdditional New Age Recordings:
Inner Sanctum by Aeoleah (1980)
Aeoleah recorded "Inner Sanctum," his first album, in my home studio. I improvised piano on the lead track "Angel of Hope." Amazon.comThe Classical Music
The Digital Symphonies
Digitial Symphony No. 1 - Anthem (1981-1986)
Scheduled for re-releaseDigitial Symphony No. 2 - Starmusic (1982)
Scheduled for re-releaseDigitial Symphony No. 3 - Celestial Voyager (1984-2008)
Amazon.comDigitial Symphony No. 4 - Alpine Symphony (1999)
Digitial Symphony No. 5 - Poeme (2000)
Digitial Symphony No. 6 - Yoki (2001)
Digitial Symphony No. 7 - Inroads (2002-2009)
Scheduled for release 2009Digitial Symphony No. 8 - Aum (2003-2008)
Amazon.comThe Classical Music Scores
To download scores, right-click and save PDF files. I provide my scores free of charge. Contact Rising World Enterainment for part rental. Performance royaities are paid to Donald B. Robertson at ASCAP.
The Music For Choir
Three Sacred Songs for Choir and Piano (2003)
The Wise Man From the East Midi Mockup MP3 Demo The Score - SATB
Praise the Lord (with optional oboe) Midi Mockup MP3 Demo The Score - SATB
I Was There All the Time Midi Mockup MP3 Demo The Score - SATB
Thrushes in the Moonlight for Choir and Chamber Orchestra(2004)
Midi Mockup MP3 Demo Score in Preparation
Jubilation Mass for Choir and Orchestra (2004-2007)
Kyrie Midi Mockup MP3 Demo Score in Preparation
Gloria Midi Mockup MP3 Demo Score in Preparation
Sanctus Midi Mockup MP3 Demo Score in Preparation
Agnus Dei Midi Mockup MP3 Demo Score in Preparation
The Music For Orchestra
Kopavi - Ballet for Orchestra with Choir (1992-1993)
Excerpt 1 Midi Mockup MP3 Demo
Excerpt 2 Midi Mockup MP3 Demo
Excerpt 3 Midi Mockup MP3 Demo
Excerpt 4 Midi Mockup MP3 Demo
Sequence for Chamber Orchestra (2004)
Midi Mockup MP3 Demo Score in Preparation
The Chamber Music
String Quartet (1996-2001)
Scheduled for release Fall 2009
The Legacy Works
These are scores of the music that I composed in the 1960s. I will gradually be adding these scores as time permits. Most of this is negative music that I created before I discovered that music had two polarities: positive and negative. For more information, please see my articles on DoveSong.com: Negative Music and The Duochord.
Two Duochord Pieces for Piano (1967-1968)
Constructions for Flute, Guitar and Contrabass (1967)
Five Piano Pieces (1967)
No. 1 Midi Mockup MP3 Demo
No. 2 Midi Mockup MP3 Demo
No. 3 Midi Mockup MP3 Demo
No. 4 Midi Mockup MP3 Demo
No. 5 Midi Mockup MP3 Demo
MU (1967)
No. 1 Midi Mockup MP3 Demo